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National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is a day set aside to pray for our Nation. In 1775 the Contenintal Congress set aside time to pray for the forming of our new nation. In 1952, President Harry Turman officially recognized the National Day of Prayer by signing a bill proclaiming it a law. On this day, the first Thursday in May, events all over the United States are held to observe the national day of prayer.

Praying for our nation, its leaders, and all of the people living in this great land is so important. However, it is not only important today but everyday. We need to be praying daily for our nation. This starts within our churches. You can start with a small prayer like praying for your family. After all the church starts at home. Our biggest mission field is right where we are! 

We don't have to travel thousands of miles to third world countries to be a missionary. We are called to the mission field right where we live. We have a mission field all around us. We need to take time each day to pray for our towns and communitites, to pray for those in our church, to pray for those who are at school with our children. After all, we all make up our country.

As we join together on this National Day of Prayer let us remember those in national, state, and local offices. We need to remember our first responders and healthcare workers. We need to remember our teachers and school staff. We need to pray for our marriages and our families. We need to pray for our community leaders and our church leaders. We need to pray for healing in our country. There are so many things that we need to or could be praying for, but the most important thing is just to pray.

When we pray we open up the lines to the Throne Room. Prayer is powerful and can move mountains!

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV


Until next time,
